Welcome to the Skyscraper M.A.N.A.G.Ement Academy, a sales management 101 course dedicated to helping new, tenured, or managers without formal sales management training gain the competence and confidence to succeed.

Nearly 60% of sales managers have not received sales management training before starting their positions.
This number is shocking; however, it shouldn't be because I was one of those sales managers who did not receive formal training before starting their positions. My lack of knowledge made my first few years as a manager overwhelming and more of a struggle than needed.
If you need to gain foundational training in sales management, you have come to the right place. You will see positive results if you take this course and start using the tips, tools, and templates that I have created.
What is the Skyscraper M.A.N.A.G.Ement Academy?
This course is an investment in your future as a successful sales manager.
This training is a 101 course, but after being in corporate America for 20+ years, most companies and, thus, managers need the tools you will receive in this training. Key subjects such as understanding your "why" in becoming/being a sales manager, what to do in your first 30 days on the job, territory planning, coaching, interpersonal relationships, how to set up your month for optimal results, and showing empathy to employees will be discussed and supported by reflective workbooks and coaching tools that you can use starting today with your team!

Imagine your management career with more...
Build a career that you feel good about, where you feel confident leading.
Gain the skills, knowledge, and tools to be a competent leader for your team.
Lay the ground work for a more fufilling career, and in turn, life.

Floor 1 - Meaning in M.A.N.A.G.Ement
This module helps new, experienced managers discover their "why" through insightful content and interactive exercises. This module will help provide clarity and purpose for a successful management career by uncovering the motivation behind being in this field. Creating a "Manager's Mission Statement" will help managers determine the type of manager they will strive to be.
Floor 2 - Communication, Collaboration, and Confidence
This lesson will examine the 3 C's and why they are so important as a manager. The 3 C's are communication, collaboration, and confidence. The 3 C's do not just magically appear when you start as a manager. During this module, I will introduce three tools I have used for years to help facilitate positive and constructive communication.
Coaching Tools/Templates:
-One-on-One Template
-Personal Communication Guide
-Expectations Example Template

Floor 3 - The First 30 Days
Have you ever felt lost starting in a new position? Not knowing how to integrate yourself as a new employee, especially a new team leader? If so, you are not alone; many of us have been there.
The purpose of this module is to review how you can start your tenure as a manager with your new team with as much expertise and confidence as possible. Tools such as the "Territory Overview Template" will be introduced to help you gain critical insights about your representatives' businesses. A tool that will decrease your learning curve and increase your value to your team.
Also, the "Skyscraper M.A.N.A.G.Ement Calendar" will be introduced to help any manager set up their days, weeks, months, and years for success.
-Territory Overview Template
-2025 Skyscraper M.A.N.A.G.Ement Calendar
Floor 4 - Walk the Walk & Talk the Talk
What type of manager do you want to be? Whether it is your first management position or you have been in the role for years, setting the tone or creating a culture for your team is crucial. How does a manager do this?
Creating a culture of accountability is the first step in showing that you are willing to roll up your sleeves and support your team. So, how do you create a culture of accountability? A good start is to develop expectations for your team and understand your team's expectations for you as their leader.
Coaching and feedback are vital to any team's evolution. Before even getting out in the field/office/or wherever your team is located, it is important that a manager asks for an agenda before this crucial time together. We will review "what good looks like" regarding an agenda and how to use it to help set the foundation for accountability on your team.
-Expectations Example Template
-Coaching Visit- Blank Agenda Template
-Coaching Visit- Example Agenda Template

Floor 5 - Essential Skills
Does creating an impactful PowerPoint or insightful Excel spreadsheet make you nervous? Is there an opportunity to improve upon your writing skills?
You are not alone if you answered "yes" to the above questions. Understanding both your strengths and gaps as a manager is critical to growth. First, it is essential to understand the fundamental skills needed to be successful as a manager. This lesson is all about getting honest with ourselves. After this module, you will become more self-aware of where you may need extra work to become a more well-rounded leader.
Floor 6 - The Power of Coaching
What activity can single-handedly turn around a team's performance and significantly impact the individuals on you? The answer is COACHING!
Whether in professional sports or the workplace, we ALL need coaching. During this module, we will discuss the importance of coaching, the "why" behind why managers need to prioritize coaching, how to start the coaching process, and tools to help get your team members thinking before and after sales calls.
-Pre-Call Planning Template
-Post Call Template

Floor 7 - Coaching Reports
The "why" behind coaching is discussed in Floor 6, but in Floor 7, we start getting into the "how ."Coaching Reports and the importance of this document are discussed. Also, how to use the coaching report as the foundation for impactful coaching.
I will break down the coaching report into four main sections. A review of the value of these sections, what a manager will want to observe, where to put the observables in the coaching report, and how to provide follow-up items for ongoing coaching and development will be reviewed.
This module is essential for EVERY sales manager!
-Coaching Report Documentation Example
-Coaching Report-Blank Template
-Coaching Report-Example #1
-Coaching Report-Example #2
Floor 8 - Territory Planning
Managers need plans and strategies around these plans to effectively lead their teams to achieve their goals. However, how can a manager achieve their goals if their team members still need a plan?
The answer is that if each sales representative's plans align with the manager's goals and objectives, everyone will succeed. This module is essential because territory plans lay the foundation for the representative's efforts within each respective quarter.
I will review the structure of a territory plan, when it should be administered, and also how to make this a "live" document that can be used for coaching throughout each respective quarter.
-Territory Plan-Blank Template

Floor 9 - G.S.D.-Getting Stuff Done
Have you ever felt like you are everything to everyone but nothing to yourself? If you have felt this way, then welcome to management. To be a successful manager, you must often put the needs of others in front of yourself.
This module is designed with "you" as the manager in mind. Managers must be experts in Getting "Stuff" Done to be productive professionally and personally.
By the end of this module, you will gain more insight into the tips, tools, and real-life examples of how you can make yourself an expert at "G.S.D.." Not only be an expert but the C.E.O. of your life!
Floor 10 - Interpersonal Relationships
How many of you have had to navigate complex relationships at work? With other departments? Your boss? If you answered yes, then you are not alone.
Interpersonal relationships refer to the connection and interactions between individuals. Work relationships need to have dedication toward positive communication, understanding, and support. Reviewing how to gain consensus on a team, tips on how to work well with other departments, and how to "Pause, Process, and Progress" when faced with conflict will help any manager reflect on how they can create strong working relationships. Your team is affected by the relationships you have as a manager!

The Penthouse
The Penthouse module of the Skyscraper M.A.N.A.G.Ement Academy, as the culmination of the journey, emphasizes the importance of sales management in business and personal aspects, teaching respect, resource utilization, and accountability to build a successful career as an effective, thoughtful manager.

Joining the Gold Package is for any manager who wants to dive headfirst into the Skyscraper M.A.N.A.G.Ement Academy.
You will get access to:
Instant access to the full course
Access to 10 copyrighted coaching templates and planning tools
A bound, printed copy of the 114 Skyscraper workbook pages
Skyscraper M.AN.A.G.Ement Book
A physical copy of the Skyscraper 2025 Calendar
Two 45-minute coaching sessions with Meghan


Joining the Silver Package is for any manager who wants to dive headfirst into the Skyscraper M.A.N.A.G.Ement Academy.
You will get access to:
-Instant access to the full course
Access to 10 copyrighted coaching templates and planning tools
Access to all of the digital workbooks

Joining the Bronze Package is for any manager who wants to start learning from the Skyscraper M.A.N.A.G.Ement Academy, and who wants to dip their toes in first (TEMPLATES NOT INCLUDED).
You will get access to:
Instant access to the full course
Access to the digital workbooks
The Course Teacher...
My hunch is if you have made it down to this section of this website, then we probably have something in common. Whatever brought you to this site, first, let me state that I am really glad that you are here. Why?
Because if you are a sales representative who wants to get into sales management and has no idea what that entails, a first-time sales manager without the tools or teachings to effectively manage a team, or an experienced manager who may not have gotten the foundational training to lead a team then I can absolutely say that I was once in your shoes!
I'm Meghan Clarke. I have 20+ years of experience in sales and sales management. That terrified first-time manager is now a sales executive in the medical industry, a published author, a certified executive coach, and the creator of a management academy. I love being a sales leader and helping other sales managers grow their skyscrapers of careers. Hopefully, after looking over the resources from this site, we can work together to build your confidence and competence as a sales leader.